2018 has been an incredible year for us at Double V. Through assisting brands enter China, helping brands expand into the Chinese market, and consulting and providing advice to brands, we have encountered numerous opportunities; especially with the rise of Xiaohongshu this year in 2018. It is not only an alternative for brands to start in the market, it also helps established brands to reach out to the millennials who are and will be the major consumers for the years to come.

Not only has the platform undergone numerous noteworthy transformations and upgrades in the past year, the number of users on the platform has rapidly increased too.

Our Achievements
This year we have hosted a number of events that have taken place across Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. We have partnered with several Chinese marketing specialists in order to share tips and insights on the ever-evolving Chinese market and how to use XHS to a brand’s advantage.

Throughout the year we have also shared our advice by conducting our own case studies and working with others on different media platforms. We also shared our experience in an Amazon best-selling book: “Working with Bloggers, Influencers and KOLs”.

As specialists on XiaoHongShu we thought it was appropriate to create an in-depth guide on the platform, detailing why the platform has become so popular, how brands can use XHS to their advantage, and how to best format posts and select KOLs.

KOLs & KOL Campaigns

Our Work

Forecast for XHS 2019
This past year we’ve already seen a number of significant changes on the platform and we foresee that even more changes are to come. After XHS’s and Taobao’s momentous integration we can expect:

Looking ahead to 2019
We would like to thank all our partners, all the brands and KOLs we have worked with this past year. We hope to be able to create more meaningful relationships in the coming year and share our advice with more people through more platforms and across different locations. In the coming year we will keep a close eye on XiaoHongShu as 2019 will be another important year for the platform.
We will continue to use the platform as a window of opportunity not only for new brands in the Chinese market, but also for those who wish to enter the market in 2019. We would like to help brands expand their sales channel, by making better use of platforms in order to create a more complete profile and organise corporate trainings for foreign brands.
We are excited about our sharing sessions in Prague and Paris in January & February 2019. Stay posted on our LinkedIn & feel free to contact us anytime to work on new projects!