With the fast-changing China digital landscape, how can you quickly understand what Chinese consumers want and utilize different approaches to engage with them?
Workshop 1 - 26th July 2018
We were invited, with Westin, to share their extensive knowledge on XiaoHongShu (小红书) & China search engine marketing. We shared our insights on the following:
Baidu SEM/SEO tips to generate leads & conversion
Creative search engine solution to build your brand awareness
What is Xiaohongshu and how can your brand benefit from it
How can your brand promote with the help of KOL
Workshop 2 - 29th August 2018
During the workshop, our Founder, Elaine Wong, uncovered the 3 key steps to operating on the hashtag#China social hashtag#eCommerce APP hashtag#XiaoHongShu and the tactics in using hashtag#KOLs:
Master the XiaoHongShu community
Sell on the APP
Decide the tier of KOL to work with according to your goal
Workshop 3 - 18th October 2018
The workshop featured a range of great discussions about the platform XiaoHongShu and China social eCommerce strategies, including:
Marketing Do’s and Don’ts
Use of data
Tactics for operation and marketing on Tmall & XiaoHongShu
Want to hear about our upcoming events? Check out our LinkedIn page!